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- Updated to 1.10.2
- BrainStone Trigger goes full camo now (temporarily, unless users would rather it remain this way)
- Added Overlord support
- Added JEI support
- Added Draconic Evolution support
- Removed NEI support
- Temporarily disabled Thaumcraft, and MFR support (waiting for them to update)
- Started using the Forge JSON update system
- Fully removed the previously dummied out Brain Logic Block
- Lowercased the modid
- Using Forge energy system for the Brain Stone Life Capacitor (which means it will work with most energy mods)
- Improved config (if you have changed values in the config have a look at the config since it might no longe use them (The old values are still there))
- All settings now have a better message in the Config GUI
- Fixed BrainStoneLifeCapacitor mapping being safed in the wrong directory and occationally causing crashes (mostly under Linux systems)
- Bug fixes and interal improvements