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A new way to send private, global or help messages and to do much more with chatting network wide!
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A plugin that lets you switch into sudo mode, so you can still play on your server as normal.
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A library that helps with creating multi-platform plugins by isolating everything into its own ClassLoader. Additionally, it can download dependencies.
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A little application to render FEN positions in the console with UTF-8 characters.
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A Webserver which is created to merge DynMaps together
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A simple update checker for Sponge Plugins for the Ore repository.
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An attempt to recreate the python format operator syntax as good as possible in modern C++
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A mod/plugin that allows players to earn money with Energy
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This plugin synchronizes the player inventory with a database
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A simple Sponge Plugin to synchronize the server/in-game time to the realtime
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A simple interface for translating messages in plugins
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This mod adds a mysterious substance called BrainStone. It glows, it is rare, it is useful.