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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.6.19
    788b7671 · Version 0.6.19 ·
    Version 0.6.19
    \+ Added support for Baubles.
    \+ Added support for Cyclic.
    \+ Added support for Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (1.8.2 or above).
    \+ Added support for Spice of Life.
    \+ Added support for Tough As Nails.
    \+ Implemented module system to allow mods to easily add support themselves.
    \+ Added automatic conversion from old (data storage and config) format to new format.
    \+ Added system to prevent saving inventory when the player hasn't fully joined yet.
    \* Fixed issue with players not properly saving on server shutdown (Fixes [#32](
    \* `RuntimeException`s while printing debug info won't cause any data being lost.
    \* Allow empty MySQL passwords.
    \* Allow special chars like `@` or `:` in MySQL passwords and usernames (Fixes [#42](
    \* Fixed several links in README.
    \* Fixed reloading causing inventories not to be saved (Fixes [#43]( (bug introduced during 0.6.19 DEV
    \* More debug logging.
    \* A lot of internal improvements.
  • v0.6.18
    678a24b0 · Updated Gradle Common ·
    Version 0.6.18
    \+ Added GradleCommon (helper project. Only used for compiling)
    \* Using new versioning System (due to GradleCommon)
    \* Using SpongeAPI 7.1.0 (instead of 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT)
    \* Using better config code.
    \* Fixed Connection Leaks (Fixes [#17](
    \* Improved database performance.
  • v0.6.17
    486c36e8 · Release: 0.6.17 ·
    Release: 0.6.17
    - Fixed synchronizing crashing when unknow item is being synchronized (Fixes [#18](
  • v0.6.14
    d2b33f69 · Release: 0.6.14 ·
    Release: 0.6.14
    - Prevented a very race condition
  • v0.6.9
    55ca86b0 · Release: 0.6.9 ·
    Release: 0.6.9
    - Added bStats metrics
    - Internal restructuring
  • v0.6.0
    78204377 · Release: 0.6.0 ·
    Release: 0.6.0
    - Added individual permissions to allow fine tuning (Closes [#17](
  • v0.5.51
    b8d0682f · Release: 0.5.51 ·
    Release: 0.5.51
    - Made plugin work with API version 5.x.x again
    - Fixed console spam on error during synchronization (Fixes [#16](
    - Improved and made game mode synchronizing work again (Fixes [#15](
    - Improved debugging
    - Synchronizing selected slot as well to make transition even smoother!
  • v0.5.42
    3a4d1579 · Release: 0.5.42 ·
    Release: 0.5.42
    - Added URL to plugin info
    - Improved event prevention (More events and they don't get prevented if the module is disabled)
    - Added warning when previous server took too long
  • v0.5.37
    468c4718 · Release: 0.5.37 ·
    Release: 0.5.37
    - Synchronizing experience is now using a different method (Fixes [#4](
    - No longer using deprecated class
  • v0.5.32
    838d8695 · Release: 0.5.32 ·
    Release: 0.5.32
    - Removed Synchronizing Achievements because it's working by default (Fixes [#10]( and [#11](
    - Synchronizing PotionEffects (Not working because of a bug in Sponge. See: [#12](
    - Added Manifest to jar
  • v0.5.19
    7ef555eb · Beta: 0.5.19 ·
    Release: 0.5.19-beta
    - Now Synchronizing Achievements (Fixes [#9](
    - Not perfect as achievements get announced
    - Added hidden debug setting
  • v0.5.14
    e71684ca · Release: 0.5.14 ·
    Release: 0.5.14
    - Added health to synchronization
    - Added hunger to synchronization
    - Internal improvements
  • v0.5.10
    9701c746 · Release: 0.5.9 ·
    Release: 0.5.10
    - Files are now additionally signed with PGP (For real this time!)
  • v0.5.7
    138ed035 · Release: 0.5.7 ·
    Release: 0.5.7
    - Files are now additionally signed with PGP
  • v0.5.4
    d0695ec5 · Release: 0.5.4 ·
    Release: 0.5.4
    - Added config option for individual parts to synchronize
  • v0.5.0
    3cfe0f99 · Beta 0.5.0 ·
    Release: 0.5.0-beta
    - Fixed [#6]( Serialize inventories to NBT
    - Data in database is now way more portable
    - Fixed [#7]( Only one instance of the plugin can work with a H2 database
  • v0.4.6
    0450408c · Beta: 0.4.6 ·
    Release: 0.4.6-beta
    - Fixed [#5]( Database connection sometimes times out and should be reconnected (Really this time)
    - Internal improvements
  • v0.4.2
    f3345b3d · Beta: 0.4.2 ·
    Release: 0.4.2-beta
    - Fixed [#5]( Database connection sometimes times out and should be reconnected
  • v0.4.0
    ec3d3e58 · Beta: 0.4.0 ·
    Release: 0.4.0-beta
    - Gamemode and Experience are now synced too (experience is bugged atm)
    - Waiting for other server to finish instead of waiting a fixed amount of time. Makes it more secure!
  • v0.3.18
    ff1f2caa · Beta: 0.3.18 ·
    Release: 0.3.18-beta
    - Fixed [#3]( Special chars in the MySQL password do not work