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Version 2.2.0

This update is **HUGE**!
So instead of the typical list I'll try to summarize the biggest changes first and then I'll list everything in detail.
Also please be aware that with this update support for version 2.1.6 stops right now. If you need my help, update.

\+ Using new HOCON config instead of YAML. Your old config will be migrated and backuped. The new format includes lots of helpful comments, is a lot less prone
   to incorrect formatting (you don't need to worry about indentation, `:` and `=` are interchangeable, etc.) and the config formats itself.
\+ New translation system. This includes default translations that are shipped with the plugin, customizable translations, custom languages and few quality of
   life changes compared to the old system. **Be sure to read the README files when editing translations!**
\* Reworked the channel system. Local chat now is treated the exact same way as global chat in the sense that it has it's own command and permissions.
\* Fixed several issues with people relogging too quickly.

\+ Added contributors and donators to the startup banner.
\+ Using new HOCON config instead of YAML. (New config file is called `config.conf`) (Features of HOCON:
\+ New message translation system with default translation files.
\+ Added several new placeholders:
  - `%fulldisplayname%`, `%sender_fulldisplayname%`, `%target_fulldisplayname%`
  - `%to_servername%`, `%to_serveralias%`, `%to_serverip%` (for ServerSwitch Messages)
  - `%from_servername%`, `%from_serveralias%`, `%from_serverip%` (for ServerSwitch Messages)

\+ Added `/local` command.
\+ Added `/localto` command.
\+ Added MulticastChat to group local servers together.
\+ Added `on`/`off` parameters for `/bvanish`.
\+ Added `de_DE`, `fr_FR`, `hu_HU`, `nl_NL`, `pl_PL`, `ru_RU`, `zh_CN` translations (done by their respective translators). If you can update them or add a new
   language, feel free to [open a Pull Request on GitHub](
\+ Added support for CloudNet Permissions Systems.
\+ Added more options for passing local chat through the Bungee.
\* Migrating old configs (old YAML config and older HOCON config) automatically (This should allow migrations from any version (starting with 2.1.6) to any
   newer version).
\* Config migrates automatically when new options are added.
\* Config automatically gets formatted on every start and reload.
\* Renamed some badly named config sections.
\* Fixed and improved ignoring.
\* Improved placeholder performance.
\* Placeholders may now be recursive.
\* Fixed AntiSwear, so all combinations are allowed.
\* Allowed changing the startup banner size (try it. `long` looks awesome ;) ).
\* `/chatlock` and `/clearchat` allow the local server to be specified (and therefor can now be executed by the console too).
\* Fixed several issues with people relogging too quickly.
\* Updated LuckPerms to v5.
\* Updated to BungeeCord 1.15 (backwards compatible with older versions (the new ServerSwitch Message placeholders need 1.15)).
\* Reloading now works with all settings.
\* Fixed countless other bugs and issues from both the development versions and the 2.1.6 release (I seriously lost track).
\- Removed tab complete (all it did was tab complete player names everywhere with maximum priority. Super useless, especially with the 1.13+ improved auto